Planning for Autumn Term 1
Spread The Happiness Planning Book 2
Autumn Term 1
- 6 sets of weekly planning for 5 days of energetic, exciting and engaging activities to support teaching and learning
- Clear objectives for each area of learning for Development Matters, ELGs and National Curriculum objectives for literacy and maths for Year 1
- Books covered – come to School Too blue Kangaroo, Mr Happy, It’s Not Just a Blanket, Crayon, Skeleton Crew, Mr Bear
- Unique and instantly impacting literacy ideas to stimulate early writing.
This book will bring Shonette into your classroom. It will lift and inspire you when you need re-energising. Most of all, through using the science of happiness, create an instant, impacting half term which will accelerate the progress of the children and bring the enjoyment of teaching back to the classroom.
Many of our downloads are in a Zipped folder which will open on most Windows computers. If downloading to an iPad you may need an app such as iZip to open the downloaded folder and on Android you may need an app such as AndroZip. Please also note that many of the files are Word 97-03 files so you will also need apps such as Docs To Go to open them